Drum roll please…cue the confetti, it’s Women’s History Month! How will you be celebrating?
March may be named after the Roman god of war but in reality it’s one of the happiest months on the calendar. The days are getting longer, signs of life are everywhere, and we are preparing for a new season, literally and figuratively. It’s time to step into our purpose!
I can’t lie, I’m a little obsessed with March (maybe because it’s my birthday month…wink wink), but knowing spring is knocking on the door creates a chemical reaction in my brain. I feel lighter, have a sense of renewal, and I’m ready to open my heart and mind to the possibilities and breakthroughs ahead.
It’s a glorious month of rebirth and resilience, making March the perfect month to represent the beauty and brilliance of women from the past, present, and for all the future generations of women to come. So, lets just pause for a moment and acknowledge that Women’s History Month may be designated to the month of March, however, we all know that audacious women make the world go round in big bold ways everyday of every month! I don’t need fact checkers for this one!
We don’t really believe in coincidences at Jade Media Global, but when I saw that the theme for Women’s History Month 2023 was “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories” I got a little giddy. In case you missed it, we are launching Jade’s new book, PURPOSE THE REMIX , AND the new Jade Simmons Experience (JSX), both align beautifully with this year’s theme. These new purpose babies were born to prepare individuals to begin their journey of discovery and grasp the understanding that when you live in your purpose, you are limitless. From the comfort of your favorite reading spot devouring each chapter of PURPOSE THE REMIX to the corporate stages that Jade steps on, purpose prevails!
Our mission to mentor, partner, and elevate women to be the biggest boldest versions of themselves is something we take seriously around here, from Designer Growth Club (DGC), to our social presence (follow us on Instagram @officialjadesimmons), to our new book and beyond. Our goal will always be to create content that is unique and can’t be found anywhere else.
We believe this is our (and your) season to step into your purpose with passion and ferocity, and lean into growth. Surrounding yourself with a purpose tribe full of strong remarkable women creates hurricane force wind impact, and trust me, you want that!
In the spirit of celebrating women, I would be remiss if I didn’t give a round of high fives to my own purpose tribe of tenacious women, all of whom are talented, incredible superheroes! They are the PERFECT blend of different backgrounds, life experiences, and cultures that bring their “A++” game to the table on the daily. Our fierce team was perfectly curated by our own Chief Purpose Pusher, Jade Simmons, who constantly challenges everyone around her to think differently with mic drop inspirational nuggets and onstage storytelling through her music and candor. This year’s theme is perfect for Jade, the ultimate storyteller!
It’s no surprise (in fact, I believe it’s part of the plan) that Jade’s twenty-one word quote is igniting a global purpose wildfire pushing audiences, leaders, social influencers, and individuals into THE biggest purpose movement we have yet to see. Let’s face it, we’re in a season of searching and needing to remix and remaster our purpose, and her new book PURPOSE THE REMIX couldn’t be coming at a better time.
Have you heard Jade’s life-altering quote that sparked a fire over a decade ago? If not, write it down, save it somewhere important, and read daily because seriously we hear everyday how these twenty-one words have literally changed lives.
“Purpose is not the thing you do, it is the thing that happens in others when you do what you do” ~Jade Simmons
As a women-owned business, we understand and admire all the women leaders who have helped redefine businesses, influenced the arts, created economic growth for their local communities, activists who gave it all and lost everything, mentors who through great patience have single-handedly taught other women how to soar, to all the women entrepreneurs we get to call friends, we are truly honored! Women just like you continue to push past the norms and create awareness, impact, raise families, do God’s work, and build multi-million dollar businesses from the ground up. YOU are full of grace and grit, traits unique to women that deserve to be celebrated every single day.
The powerful Ruth Bader Ginsburg once said,
“As women achieve power, the barriers will fall. As society sees what women can do, as women see what women can do, there will be more women out there doing things, and we’ll all be better off for it.” ~Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Let’s spend Women’s History Month knocking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings in powerful ways. Let’s strip away fear and become fearLESS. Let’s support one another. Let’s continue creating women-owned businesses. Let’s lift each other up. Let’s elevate those around us. Let’s offer kindness, and operate with confidence, in purpose, and give radically. That’s what fierce operatives do!
Prepare for the purpose storm in your forecast! PURPOSE THE REMIX ebook is now available from Amazon for pre-sale, and soft/hard cover is coming soon.
If you’re a visionary woman of faith who is looking for a place full of growth content for all areas of life, coaching with Jade, and to be surrounded by like-minded women, Designer Growth Club (DGC) is for you.
Not exactly sure where you stand in your purpose journey? It’s okay. The great thing about growing, learning and stepping in, is you can begin the journey anytime/anywhere.
Head to jadesimmons.com and learn what’s available to get started, and to see what’s coming. You can opt-in here to receive monthly inspo, and be the first to hear about all our new drops.
To honor this important month, here is a list of inspiring quotes from influential women who have made their mark on the world. From activists and writers to politicians and artists, these women have used their voices to advocate for change, challenge the status quo, and inspire others to do the same.
Happy Women’s History Month to all you world changers!
Denise loves being an influencer behind the scenes. She thrives in a fast-paced environment and is always strategizing on how to elevate everyone around her. She takes brand recognition seriously and looks for ways to promote the JMG brand with elegance and grace. She enjoys creating inspiring content that motivates people to live better, both personally and professionally. Denise is an experienced trail runner who is highly competitive. She loves to be in nature every chance she gets. When she’s not hitting the trails running or racing, she is spending time with family (including her cool canine, Stella) and friends.