March 20, 2023, marks the world debut of something special at Jade Media Global! Our newest purpose baby that Jade has been penning and pouring her heart and soul into has been birthed, and is now available for the world to experience. More on Purpose The Remix in a minute.
At JMG I have come to realize that nothing happens by chance around here. Even when it feels like our strategy must pivot and plans change at the last minute, it somehow always aligns beautifully with our mission and the impact we create. Jade always says, “I don’t believe in coincidences,” and I am going to be honest, I used to raise an eyebrow when she would say that, but you know what? She is one hundred percent right! While the process ebbs and flows, we learn and grow, and our purpose-fueled culture pushes us to realign and redefine what we need to do to deliver unique and unforgettable experiences.
While the process ebbs and flows, we learn and grow, and our purpose-fueled culture pushes us to realign and redefine what we need to do to deliver unique and unforgettable experiences.
This leads me to why we chose to launch Purpose The Remix as soon as spring arrived. The season signifies a time to manifest, while looking at where we are blocking ourselves and determining what aligned actions steps will guide us forward. Our PURPOSE plays a significant role in stepping into spring with zest, confidence, and self-discovery. If you’re not sure what your purpose is or how to tap into it? It is okay, Purpose The Remix will help you discover what your true purpose is and how to begin living and leveraging it. (Learn where you are on the Purpose Propeller Scale™)
Spring is the season of new beginnings, new life, and regrowth. This is the season during which the natural world revives and reinvigorates after the colder winter months. During spring, dormant plants begin to grow again, new seedlings sprout out of the ground and hibernating animals awake. The same is true for us humans, meaning this is the season to remix and remaster our purpose.
We’ve been pushing hard to get Purpose The Remix into your hands, at just the right moment, and that moment is now, so dive deep into exploring, discovering, and remixing your purpose in this new season of growth.
We promise you that Purpose The Remix will help you move more powerfully, leaving you with a new (or renewed) feeling of understanding, peace, excitement, and hunger to push your purpose forward and prepare you for the breakthrough ahead.
This book is a quick read by design, so you can devour, but BIG enough to have some good meat to really chew on and do something powerful with!
Order now, and spring into purpose with life-altering nuggets that will help you see your limitless possibilities. Each chapter of Purpose The Remix, you will discover a new part of yourself designed for great works and greater impact.
If you’re looking to stoke your purpose fire right now, head over to and learn more about all things purpose. Follow us at @purposetheremix on Instagram, where remarkable conversations with some amazing purpose pushers are happening!
THANK YOU for journeying with us on the path to re-mixing and re-mastering purpose. A PURPOSE Revolution is among us!
PS….We love reviews from our readers, so when you finish PTR, please leave a review on Amazon with your thoughts to help others get their hearts and minds set and ready to receive! 💖
Denise Irving, Marketing Director
Denise loves being an influencer behind the scenes. She thrives in a fast-paced environment and is always strategizing on how to elevate everyone around her. She takes brand recognition seriously and looks for ways to promote the JMG brand with elegance and grace. She enjoys creating inspiring content that motivates people to live better, both personally and professionally. Denise is an experienced trail runner who is highly competitive. She loves to be in nature every chance she gets. When she’s not hitting the trails running or racing, she is spending time with family (including her cool canine, Stella) and friends.