My entry into the world of Yamaha came during an absolute fairy tale season in my early music career. Usually, in my stories, I’m not Cinderella. But for once, it sure felt like it, like everything was working out not just as I’d planned, but as I’d dreamed.
The year was 2008 or so and I’d just won a slot on a very important artist management roster, had just gotten a record deal out of thin air, and then was introduced to Yamaha, whose Artistic Director at the time welcomed me aboard with arms wide open.
Each one of those moments were special and symbolized me realizing a certain level of value in the world of classical music.But today…only one of those relationships remain, only one of those partnerships grew and evolved with me. That partnership is with Yamaha Artist Services.
Even though I’m not their typical artist and no longer fit neatly on their classical or pop rosters, they’ve continued to support my career, with all of its twists and turns, assuring I have a world-class instrument waiting for me on every stage. I absolutely cannot imagine the last 13 years without Yamaha by my side.
Much thanks to Bonnie Barrett, Makia Matsumura and the creative team over the years who’ve been crucial in making my dream of performing all over the world on incredible instruments a reality. I look forward to many more opportunities to partner powerfully with the Yamaha team.
Jade Simmons, Founder & Chief Purpose Pusher
Jade has been addicted to rebel behavior since kindergarten when she refused to take naps and opted to read under her self-made fort instead. She’s wife to her high school sweetheart, Jahrell, and mom to two kiddos (14 and 9) who don’t understand how cool she is. As Founder of JMG, she loves watching unicorns grow wings and soar higher than they knew they could! Lastly, she’s also freakishly good at arm wrestling.