I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe where 2022 has gone! Like a fast-moving train, it came roaring in and is quickly rolling down the tracks, pushing towards 2023! So, here we are in the throws of the fall season already, some call it the season of pumpkin spice lattes, cozy sweaters, leaf peeping, and trips to the orchard. I call it the “stretch” season. At JMG, we also deem it the season to rest and reflect on all we’ve created this year, including our accomplishments and triumphs (both personally and professionally). All of which deserve to be celebrated. That’s why we are particularly excited about this edition of the Inspozine, it connects all the things we love about autumn to our love language: PURPOSE. Let us help you pause, reflect, and re-energize for your next season of breakthrough.

Inspozine Fall 2022 Edition cover

Truth about having fun…the Inspozine was born from an idea sparked one night last fall while playing with a magazine cover template. It looked so beautiful that our team decided to take a stab at providing something the world needs more of…powerful, impactful, purpose-filled, UNcommon inspiration. We are now releasing our fourth edition, one year later. So, we decided to go bigger and bolder by adding even more voices of inspiration from remarkable shape-shifters. Our contributors are full of grit, grace, gratitude, courage, and share their life stories with wit, humor, and verve. They are just downright AMAZING, full of moxie, and we think you’re going to FALL in love with them. Why am I sharing this? Because sometimes the best ideas are often transformed into something incredibly amazing, and when least expected. So, take time to play, create, dream-storm, share all your ideas even when they don’t always make sense, no matter how big or small. When you surround yourself with the right people, you might be surprised what you can push into the world.

For the best experience, we recommend reading the Inspozine on your tablet or laptop (have your headphones handy too). Carve out some quiet time to fully immerse yourself, get cozy, grab your favorite cup of goodness, and open your heart and mind, and be prepared to FALL in love with your purpose. This is your season to re-imagine and re-define where you want to go AND who you want to take with you on the journey. Your next season will likely look different than your current season, and that’s okay. We know you are ready for the stretch. Now, dig in!

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